Our team of professionals

Camille Massalve

Certified Massage Therapist, Apprentice Fascialist & Owner

Camille helps you find the imbalances in your physical and/or emotional state that are preventing you from functioning optimally.

Ses spécialités sont:
Le massage thai, les massage signature et du visage, le massage aux ballotins d'herbes, le massage tok-sen, la réflexologie, la madérothérapie, les ventouses et massage sur chaise.

  • Member of the Association Québécoise des Thérapeutes Naturels.
    Member of the Canadian Nuad Thai & Spa Association.

Julio Munakata

Certified massage therapist

Julio has an eclectic mix of Western and Oriental massage studies and experience from his 25 years in the business, and looks forward to welcoming you to a wonderful experience in the world of Lanna Thai massage.

Specialties include:
Thai massage, reflexology and chair massage.

  • Member of the Regroupement des Intervenants et Thérapeutes en Médecine Alternative et Complémentaire.

Jasmine de Jager

Certified massage therapist

Guided by her intuitive touch, while listening to the body's needs, she combines several modalities at once, for a deeper global connection and well-being of mind, body and soul.

❊ Her specialties include:
Thai massage massage, prenatal massage and reflexology.

  • Member of the Réseau des massothérapeute du Québec

Paulo Almada

Certified massage therapist

Paulo sees massage therapy as a way of integrating ancient traditions of knowledge with the needs of modern life.

Specialties include:
Thai massage, reflexology and chair massage.

  • Member of the regroupement des massothérapeutes du Québec

Kim Nightingale

Certified massage therapist

Kim was trained in Tokyo, Japan, by a Sensei who studied with some of the great founders of Zen Shiatsu. She has been practicing for over 14 years and now offers certification courses as well as shorter introductory courses. 

❊ Her specialties are:
Shiatsu massage.

  • Member of the Société des massothérapeutes du Québec

Amon Warattanakamon

Spa technician & massage practitioner

Amon previously owned her own hair and beauty salon in Thailand. There, she excelled in haircuts, facials and nails. She joins the Lanna Thai Massage team as a spa technician.

❊ Her specialties are:
Manicure and pedicure.

Justin Schwab

Certified massage therapist

Justin is always attuned to the physical world, and as a therapist, his aim is to work with you to improve your well-being and bring balance and healing to the body through grounded touch.

Specialties include:
Therapeutic Swedish massage, deep tissue, chair massage and Thai table massage.

  • Member of the Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec

Nicolas Couto

Certified massage therapist

Nicolas offers a caring presence at the heart of his practice. His approach encourages both relaxation and deep work during a treatment.

❊ Its specialties are:
Thai massage, reflexology, oil massage and chair massage.

  • Member of the regroupement des massothérapeutes du Québec

Coraline Rodony

Certified massage therapist

A former top-level gymnast with a passion for anatomy and the workings of the body, Coraline has been an expert in the personal care, thalassotherapy, sports rehabilitation and luxury spa sectors for 15 years. Specialized in various massage techniques, she also studied Thai massage with ITM school in Chiang Mai.

❊ Her specialties include:
Thai massage, reflexology, therapeutic deep tissue, prenatal massage, facial and signature treatments.

  • Membre du Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec.
    Ne peut émettre de reçu d'assurance avec Canada Vie, Alliance, Croix-Bleue & Telus pour le moment.

Clément De Sulzer Wart

Certified massage therapist

Clément est détenteur d'un diplôme du CFP Lachine en massothérapie-kinésithérapie de +1000 heures.

Ayant eu l’opportunité de voyager en Asie, et de séjourner à Chiang Mai durant cinq semaines, il y a acquis sa formation en massage thaïlandais traditionnel à la Sunshine Massage School. Il a pu y découvrir une philosophie du massage propre à la culture orientale, où l’aspect physique est intimement relié à l’aspect mental, en somme, la détente du corps passe principalement par la détente de l’esprit.

Clément est captivé par la thérapie manuelle, et est passionné par les sports, la mécanique

complexe du corps humain et par l’importance de rester actif pour assurer le bien-être

physique et mental.

Sa pratique est animée par ses valeurs d’empathie, de respect et de

professionnalisme autant par des massages thérapeutiques ou de détente.

Ses spécialités sont :
Le massage thaïlandais, le massage suédois thérapeutique, le deep tissue, les massages de tête & de pieds et le massage sur chaise.

  • Membre du Réseau des Massothérapeutes Professionnels du Québec.

Sophie Chung

Certified Massage Therapist & Esthetician

Originally from Taiwan, Sophie has many years' experience in personal care and has recently joined Lanna Thaï for our Thai treatments.

❊ Its specialties are:
Thai massage, reflexology, therapeutic deep tissue, facial and signature treatments. As well as aesthetics: facial and head care.

  • Membre de l'Association Canadienne de Massothérapie en Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise.
    Émettra des reçus pour fin d'assurance sauf avec Canada Vie, Croix Bleue, Alliance & Empire Vie.